A few public holidays matched the weekend, allowing me time to write. Unceasingly. And I wrote feverishly. Days overlapping nights. Nights overlapping days. A quick meal, an even quicker shower and I was back at my desk, pushing my pencil hard on sheets of paper; deleting , erasing, rewriting, and inserting V's to add in new lines, scribbling all over the page; like an ancient scroll..
I wrote. Infused. Exhilarated. Consumed.
Then tiredness wore me down and I slept.
But I woke up with a jerk at two in the morning, switched on the light, and I wrote again; the two lamps dangling from the rafters on my ceiling - in my study - further lit by my table lamp, with an angel moulded in bronze, holding up the lamp shade.
Amidst the dead silence there was an awareness of holiness - a spirit descending on me, the Holy Spirit.
I was no longer alone.
I had biblical insights I would have otherwise missed, a surge of bold confidence in my blood, the gift of creativity im ne abounding. I wrote more. I wrote longer.
............The Holy Spirit seemed to fill me, took control of me. It made me write like a violinist lost in his own music. Only this was the Lord's music in my heart. And the words of Christ lived in me, teaching and counselling me.
I praised the Lord. Blessed His holy name.
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