Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Physician, heal yourself! – Luke 4:23 (NKJV)

Did you know that in the Old Testament a priest could not serve in God’s house if he had a scab, which is an unhealed wound or a bleeding sore (See Lev 21:20)? Why? Because when you’ve a scab you’re not up to par. You can’t get close to others in case they bump into you and knock the protective layer off it. You’re not at your best because pain-drain is sapping your strength.

You’re afraid to talk about your scab in case people reject you, so you wear a mask, live on two levels and become insecure and controlling. Worst of all, you’re so busy working for God and taking care of others that you don’t think you’ve time to stop and take care of yourself. The Bible says: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’

Does this mean people with issues can’t work for God? No, quite the opposite. It’s the broken, who become masters at mending. But first you must take time to be healed. Jesus said that when the blind lead the blind they both fall into a ditch (See Matthew 15:14). It’s hard to talk about victory to others when you yourself are living in defeat. It’s hard to bring emotional healing to others when you’re still battling the unresolved issues of your past.

When you are still bleeding, you can’t treat peoples problems with the same kind of aggressive faith you’d have if you’d already worked through the problem. Is it wrong to have a wounded heart? No, but it’s wrong not to deal with it. So, spend time with God and let Him make you whole so that He can use you to minister more effectively to others.

Friday, January 7, 2011



In the morning I lay my request before You and wait in expectation.
Psalm 5:3

We think everything rests on our shoulders, but it doesn't! It's God's world, not ours. At the beginning of each day God reminds us that He has His way, that He controls outcomes, and that He cares about every detail of our lives.
The way we get up in the morning sets the tone for our entire day, so try this; first thing tomorrow, get along with God for a few minutes. Don't try to make it last an hour, just start with five minutes. Go over your plans for the day. If you have calender, look over it with Jesus. As you're going through it, you'll have some concerns. Just hand them over to Him. Maybe you'll notice a meeting or a particular problem you're worried about. Ask Him for wisdom. If He doesn't give you an immediate answer, realize that it's because He wants you to trust Him.
He has something better in mind, something that you haven't thought of yet. So many of us start our day anxious, hurried, fearful or rushed. But we don't have to. We're going to start our day anyway; why not start it with Jesus? Do we have any better offers? We're going to have a first thought anyhow, a first word, so why not let it belong to God, before Whom all our anxieties flee? We can do this. We really can. We can start our day with God.
Take a moment and meditate on this Scripture ; "Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad for all our days." (Psalm 90:14 NIV)